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Attack is the third phase of "The Migraine in 4 Parts" self released November 20, 2020


‘Attack’ is the third record of my series, ‘The Migraine in 4 Parts,’ self released November 20, 2020. It was written during the month of August 2020 with Will Ponturo (guitar) of the band Wiles and Jack Whelan (drums) of the band Non-. It was recorded in 3 nights in a dusty warehouse by Miranda Serra G. We would start recording once it got dark and go until the sun had risen. It was intense and we were all very exhausted by the end of it. I wanted the process to suit the heaviest and most intense phase. This is the actual Migraine headache so I wanted it to sound sharp, painful, and loud. At several points I scream and shriek to mirror the phase. The drums are pummeling and unrelenting, and the guitar tone is crushing. Although this record is very different, it still connects to the other records written before it in terms of lyrics and subject matter. In the last song, "Womb" I sing lyrics from "000"- a song from the first phase, ‘Prodrome.' These albums are meant to connect but this one was intended to stick out among them. 

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